These are actual case files from the offices of Armando Zatarain Investigations, an Orange County Detective (OC PI). We have either changed or omitted last names to protect the innocent and all parties concerned. Please read on to see how we can assist you with sensitive situations and problems. Armando Zatarain thanks the attorneys involved for their team work, cooperation and legal expertise in helping to resolve some very serious cases.
Assault w/Great Bodily Injury and Mis-identification
Santiago is a hard working young man with a wife and young son. He is a house painter and his wife works cleaning houses. Santiago likes to play soccer. Santiago plays in a soccer league in San Juan Capistrano, Orange County California.
One day while sitting in the stands watching his teammates play on the field, a fight broke out. A man on the other team suffered a concussion and a broken nose. He had a bone broken in his orbital (eye) socket. Santiago came down from the stands to the sidelines. Santiago tried to calm the situation; he even grabbed a teammate by the shirt to prevent the teammate from entering the fray.
Santiago was very surprised when the police agency involved in the incident came to his front door. They asked him to step outside to discuss the case. They subsequently arrested him based primarily on the testimony of opposing players. One of those players was the victim's brother-in-law. Santiago was facing a felony, a strike, multiple years in prison and deportation upon his release from state prison.
Attorney Natalio Periera suggested that the victim's family hire Armando to investigate the case. Armando discovered that the opposing team allegedly had a reputation for drinking beer during soccer games. The victim and his brother-in-law were alleged to have been drinking beer during the game. Armando found several witnesses that were willing to testify that Santiago had been in the stands when the fight broke out and had not gone on to the field to participate in the fight, including a referee, on the field, at the game.
Mr. Periera submitted all the reports that Armando had prepared as well of those of a previous private investigator to the OCDA. Mr. Periera and Armando sat down informally with a DDA prior to the preliminary hearing. The DDA listened objectively and decided to dismiss the case against Santiago. Santiago was freed after almost five months in jail for a crime he did not commit.
-- Attorney Natalio "Nate" Periera, Orange County
Domestic Abuse Charges Dropped
Chris is a very nice man. He is well known throughout Orange County and the state because he has held political office. He happens to be married to a very emotional, manipulative woman that some people allege is a compulsive liar. Chris was arrested by a police department in Orange County when the wife called and alleged domestic abuse. Ironically, it was Chris who was the victim of abuse on that occasion and several others. Chris had tolerated the abuse because of his love for his step children. Attorney David Borsari suggested that Chris hire Armando to investigate the case.
Armando interviewed several people including the alleged victim's sister and her husband. The victim's sister said that although she cared deeply for Chris and felt badly for him; she would not say anything negative about her sister. The brother-in-law suggested that Chris should have done a more thorough background on his wife before he married her. Armando documented acts of violence perpetrated by the wife against Chris and others.
Attorney David Borsari turned the statements over to the district attorney's office and argued his client's case. The OCDA reviewed the case objectively and determined that the case could not be successfully prosecuted. They declined to file the case. A restraining order was also subsequently dropped against Chris when the judge found that the allegations against Chris were not credible.
-- Attorney David Borsari, Orange County
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